More than 50% of Fascists and/or “We didn’t know” Morons

53.3%(!) of eligible voters in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern are morons and/or fascists: 39% of deliberate non-voters who don’t care if blue-brown scum acts against any humanity or reason and is still fed with tax Euros, as well as 20.5% of AfD voters and 3.0% of NPD voters from 61% of active voters (= about 12.5% + 1.8% of eligible voters). In some other states, it doesn’t look much better. And this isn’t limited to Eastern Germany, as some might think — in Baden-Württemberg and Rheinland-Pfalz, the diarrhea of the mind is sitting in the state parliaments as well. More states will probably follow, and next year they could even be elected into Bundestag (federal parliament).

What can we do? It’s probably too late for this question because, instead of consistently and adamantly positioning themselves against the right wing parties, CDU/CSU and SPD have been emulating them for decades with varying intensity, virtually ever since the “asylum compromise” (which was really the abolition of the basic right to asylum) in 1993. Meanwhile, they’ve been sitting on the fence while whole regions built up right-wing extremist parallel structures (after the German Reunification they may even have secretly enjoyed it because the ex GDR’s people “so vigorously rejected socialism”). Education is financially starved to death (even during my school years, more than 25 years ago, the chorus to this sad song was “School has no money!”), they are thinking of new ways to harass Hartz IV beneficiaries even more brutally, and they consistently keep making sure that the skyrocketing profit maximisation from automation and economisation doesn’t end up in the hands of society but in those of an ever decreasing number of people who own the means of production.

Well, good night, Germany. This time, there won’t be any armies who will help get rid of the 4th Reich. Instead we have to fear that Trump’s USA, Putin’s Russia, Le Pen’s France, and Post-Brexit Britain won’t fear what’s happening in Germany but even agree with it (French wannabe Hitleress Marine Le Pen, at least, already congratulated the AfD for their great success).

About Sascha Kersken

Ich habe seit 1983 Computer-Erfahrung und hatte das Glück, mein Hobby nach dem Abitur und einigen Umwegen zum Beruf zu machen. Ich arbeite bei der dimensional GmbH in Köln als Senior Developer, unter anderem mit PHP und Java. Seit 1996 bin ich zusätzlich als freiberuflicher Dozent in den Bereichen Administration, Programmierung und Webentwicklung mit Schwerpunkt LAMP tätig, außerdem als Fachbuchautor und -übersetzer. Eine andere meiner großen Leidenschaften ist die Belletristik; 2016 erschien im Self-Publishing mein erster Roman "Göttersommer", der Teil 1 einer Trilogie ist.
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